Belajarlah bersungguh-sungguh agar kelak kau menjadi orang yang berguna.............

Rabu, 19 September 2012


Many people do not know the meaning of the term computer terms we often hear a mouse that would be interpreted in the Indonesian language is the rat.
here I will try memeberikan term computer term that can be interpreted in the Indonesian language, memorize congratulations for my friend

     background = appearance, background
     = bug infestation
     case / chassis = a
     = cookie crumbs (crumbs), cake
     desktop = display / home screen
     disc = disc
     drive = drive
     file = file
     floppy disk = disk contortion
     folder = folder
     freeware = free tool
     graphics card graphics card =

     hacker = hackers
     hard disk hard disk =
     hard drive = hard drive
     hardware = hardware
     image = image, images
     install = pairs
      keyboard = keyboard, keypad (different keyboard - that instrument)
     media player = means cardroom
     memory = memory
     messenger = parent board
     mouse = mouse
     operating system (OS) = operating system
     printer = printer
     processor = processor
     recycle bin = trash
     router = successor
     Scanner scanner =
     shareware = shared device, the device trials
     shortcut = bypass
software = software
speaker = penyuara
= spreadsheet spread sheet
virus = virus
worm = worm

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