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Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Spicy Sensation Rawon Devil

Sensasi Pedas Rawon Iblis

MANY ways Daeng City restaurants dub name to its unique menu-unique. Well, this week's taste will take you to peek at a menu unik.Tak only the name, but it also tastes.

Yes, the menu is named Rawon Satan. Although the name sounds scary, certainly not the flavor. Rawon devil is to be found in balleZZa restaurant and Cafe, Jl Comforter Makassar. Sensation for culinary lovers will be very much different from the usual rawon.

According balleZZa Chef restaurant and Cafe, Sandi DAWN encountered some time ago, Rawon Satan has flavor blend savory cuisine archipelago with spicy sensation.

"If guests will definitely try the spicy sensation that is very, very spicy. BalleZZa It is unique in that we give the name rawon devil," he explained intriguing.

Any processing process, said Sandi, using herbs from spice archipelago specialties are mashed together. However, the process is slightly different processing by adding lots of chili to spicy sensation.

"In addition, meat used was a meat section in the comfort is almost guaranteed. Our first boil the meat is nearly two hours with moderate temperatures. Meat so that it will feel soft," he said.

Do not stop there, balleZZa restaurant and Cafe also presents a refined cuisine of the same but use different ingredients that oxtail. "But there is no difference in taste, just meat are replaced," said Sandi.

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