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Minggu, 25 November 2012

Give Tips On Einstein's brain genius

Einstein's brain has a remarkable pattern of folds in some parts, which may help explain why he's a genius. So that was shown in a recent photo in the journal "Brain" which was published Nov. 16.

genius physicist who has extra folds in the material brain is gray, which is a part of the brain to the conscious mind. In particular, the frontal lobes, regions associated with abstract thinking and planning, has folds unusual and complicated, as stated in an analysis.
"The brain is a very powerful part of the human brain," says Dean Falk, author of the study and an anthropologist at Florida State University, referring to the gray matter. "And Einstein's brain is remarkable."
Photo genius brainAlbert Einstein was the most famous physicist of the 20th century. Groundbreaking theory of general relativity describes how the light curve due to the folds of space and time.
When the scientist died in 1955 at the age of 76 years, Thomas Harvey, the pathologist who mengautopsinya, took Einstein's brain and keep it. Harvey slicing hundreds of thin sections of Einstein's brain tissue for examination under a microscope and taking 14 photos of the brain from several angles.
Harvey presented some of his research, but still keep the photo because I wanted to write a book about the brain physicists. But he died before the book is completed.
The photos remained hidden for decades. In 2010, after a friendship with one of the authors of the new study, Harvey family donated the photos to the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington DC, Tim Falk began analyzing the photos in 2011.
More brain cell connectionsThe team found that overall, Einstein's brain has a much more complex folds in the cerebral cortex, which is the gray matter on the surface of the brain and contribute to the conscious mind. In general, gray matter are associated with thicker higher IQ.
Many scientists believe that the more folds that can provide additional surface area for mental processing, which allows more connections between brain cells, says Falk. With more connections between distant parts of the brain, one would be able to make the mental leap, using brain cells are located far apart to solve some cognitive problems.
Prefrontal cortex, which plays an important role in abstract thinking, make predictions and plans, also has a remarkable pattern of intricate folds of the brain of Einstein.
Perhaps it has helped the physicists in developing the theory of relativity. "Einstein thought about the trial as he imagined himself down a beam of light, and that's exactly the part of the brain thought to make a person very active" in such a complex experiment, said Falk told LiveScience.
In addition, the occipital lobe of the brain of Einstein, who did the visuals, showing additional folds.
The right parietal lobe and left also looks very asymmetrical, Falk said. No clear relationship between the part and the genius of Einstein, but the part of the brain is the key for spatial tasks and mathematical reasoning, added Falk.

Researchers still do not know whether Einstein's brain has been remarkable since birth or as he was digging physics for many years that caused his brain to be very special.
Falk believes both play an important role in Einstein's genius.
"Whether it's natural or cultivated," he said. "He was born with a brain that is very good, and he has a wide experience enables him to develop its potential."
But most raw ability Einstein might naturally gets instead of a lifetime of hard work, said Sandra Witelson, from Michael G. De Groot School of Medicine at McMasters University who has done research in the past about Einstein's brain. In 1999, his work reveals that the right parietal lobe Einstein have extra folds, which is obtained from parents or genes occurred when Einstein was still in the womb.
"The brain is different not just from the size larger or smaller, but also the pattern," said Witselon. "Anatomy of the brain is very unique when compared to any photo or picture of the human brain that ever existed."

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