Belajarlah bersungguh-sungguh agar kelak kau menjadi orang yang berguna.............

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012


Structure, texture and porosity of the soil

A. Tool
1. 3 glasses of mineral water
2. 1 piece of mineral water bottle cap
3. Stationery
B. Material
1. Sandy soil
2. Garden Soil

3. Water

C. How it Works
1. Label each glass (glass A, B and C)
2. Fill a glass with a sandy soil base dr 3cm tall glass
3. Fill glass with garden soil B dr 3cm tall glass bottom
4. C Fill the glass with water
5. Touch each type of soil in glass A and B
"Describe what you see and feel from the two types of land!"
6. Give 1 bottle cap, a glass of A and B
7. Observe carefully what is happening in 2 cups!
"Which shows the absorption of water the fastest?"
"Explain what you think about water absorption occurred in the 2 cups of it!"


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